Join Team Strength

Here at Team Strength, we are about placing Strength first.

Focusing on the number on the bar over the number on the scale helps my clients take their results to the next level.

What Makes Strength by Jaime special?

  • Unlike most online coaches, my specialty is custom program building and form correction. I write programs unique to every individual, and my clients master their deadlift (and every other major lift) in 4 weeks or less on average. Then, we match nutrition to their goals to ensure optimal results while maintaining a flexible lifestyle.

  • I’m not new to this: 10 years in the industry has helped me hone in on my skills working with people in the online space. Our community and ability to create results is unmatched.

In every one of these testimonials you will see and hear strength shine though. And THAT is why I have been so successful.

Laurie is growing some WINGS in her bulk! Bottom was before…top is NOW!



210x5 for the back squat so far. Testing next week. Shooting for 3x225 and maybe a 1RM. Thanks again for all your guidance and encouragement! F-ing excited about these numbers. Pretty close to my goals that i sent you back in Feb!


“I finally learned not to worry about the number on the scale, but how my clothes fit and how I feel. Jaime really taught me to go slow and stay consistent. I used to spend hours on cardio 5 days a week and was seeing little change. Now lifting slow and heavy is my new jam!


I am super pumped for the coming cycles and what is in store over the coming months! I am so happy with what I have learned from you and even more excited as to what is in store for the future.



“I didn’t think anything would change in one month…I lost 8 pounds!…I realized my portion sizes were way too big.”

i loved it gfhg ghggh hgjhg.png

“…being healthy doesn't mean I have to spend two hours in the gym everyday. I'm more conscious of moving and being active now than I was before. Also, I'm more forgiving of myself if I just didn't get to the workout that day. Before I would just throw in the towel for the whole week, which turned into a month, etc. Now I try to take more a day at a time.

- Maggie

“I learned how to fuel my body with the right nutrients and portion sizes. Jaime kept it real by always encouraging us to keep going even if we encountered bumps along the way. She even encouraged us to treat ourselves with the food we LOVED but in the right portions.”

- Angie

When we were hiking in the Grand Canyon my husband was like how are you doing this without breathing heavily??? And I was like umm Jaime has been kicking my butt and this is easy compared to the squats I have to do 😂 And I feel like I can’t thank you enough - I always see my problem areas in my photos like most people and only focus on them but when I look at my wedding photos I am like damn I look good.

- Menal

“Jaime has been my personal trainer through major life changes (moving overseas and becoming a working mom of two). I couldn't have stayed on track throughout these stressful life changes without her. I feel happy and comfortable in my body."

- Daisy