3 Tips for Mastering Macros

Let me guess: balancing macros and calories feels like trying to solve a game of tetris...

...in the dark...

...with one hand tied behind your back... right?

Trust me, you're not alone. The whole "Macro Tetris" thing isn’t like the fun game we are used to from when we were kids, but I'm here to tell you it's really not that hard.

Spoiler alert: “Tracking Macros” is really just a fancy way of saying, "Eat a balanced diet and keep tabs on it."

A lot of people dive into macros with the same level of excitement as getting on a rollercoaster, but they forget the part where they need to stay on track after the ride is over.

Kind of like those meal plans that are great until... you’re not on them anymore. Then you’re lost in a sea of random snacks and takeout.

Fun times, right? Same goes for macros - fall off the tracking wagon, and suddenly you feel lost in the sauce (literally).

But the thing is, that's not what it should be.

And if it is...you're doing it wrong.

Unlike restrictive meal plans and diets, the intention of tracking calories and macros is to actually walk away with some skills and knowledge.

Too many people don't approach it with the right mindset however, and end up on that same dang rollercoaster again and again.

So here are 5 tips to walk away with today to make your macro and calorie tracking journey way more successful - so that you can learn to keep macro tracking as a tool in your tool belt and actually gain complete control over your fitness and nutrition for the rest of your life...not just for one thrilling yet way to bumpy ride:

  1. Macros Are Just Diet Budgeting
    You think macros are some mystical diet voodoo? Nah, it's just keeping track of what you eat and learning from the numbers. Imagine Dave Ramsey meets Warren Buffet, but for food. Basically, it’s budgeting - but instead of dollars, we’re dealing with carbs, fats, and proteins. Any diet can fit under this umbrella. Keto, Mediterranean, Taco Tuesdays... you name it. So macro tracking isn't a diet, its a method of nutritional control that should theoretically help you ditch diets and learn about whats in your food and how it effects you, without the side of BS restrictive rules.

  2. Exact Numbers Don’t Exist—Sorry, Perfectionists!
    Let’s be real—no one has ever hit exact numbers. Ever. That’s why I give you a range. It’s scientifically sound (yes, science is backing me on this), but mostly it's so you don’t lose your mind over being 2 grams off your carb target.

  3. Apps Are Tools, Not Chains
    You should be using tracking apps with the intention of educating yourself—not because you like feeling restricted and miserable. Save the restriction for bad Netflix shows, not your food intake.

  4. Your Ranges Will Change—And That’s Normal
    Your body isn’t a machine that runs the same every day. Your macro targets should adapt to your life—whether you’re more active, less active, or suddenly decide to train for a marathon because why not? Honestly, maintenance is the real goal here...but shocker, guess what? how much you eat and how you cycle your nutrition will look different throughout the year and at every stage of your life.

  5. Maintenance = Practice Time
    Speaking of maintenance, think of it as a time to sharpen your skills. Eyeballing portions like a ninja, mastering meal timing, and getting into the habit of leading with protein and veggies like a pro. These are all things I teach in my program—and trust me, they're going to be hot topics in our upcoming bootcamp.

Here’s the kicker: You don’t need to obsess over tracking like it’s the stock market. Just like with money—you don’t stop budgeting because you forgot to write down your $4 coffee. Same thing with macros. You still know the basics of how to eat right, even when you're not logging every single bite.


So...practice that.

Being off of tracking is not an excuse for being off track.

If you want your own custom macro blueprint (because who doesn’t love a personalized plan?), I’ve got you covered.

I'm loading one for everyone who starts their 2 week free trial inside my small group training program The Squad.


Fill out the Macros Intake form, and I’ll give you your personalized RANGES based on your goals—along with my recommendations on how to periodize your nutrition like a pro, with or without tracking.

Click HERE to activate that trial.

You can join the free trial, grab your blueprint, and peace out, or you can stick around for the bootcamp and dive into some serious nutrition coaching, done-for-you training programs, and a community of awesome, strong, like-minded women.

Learn how to make this stuff work for you long-term so you can get off the damn rickety-ass wooden roller coaster that they really should replace...

Who knows—you might even enjoy it. ;)

Cheers to never being lost again (unless you’re trying to find a parking spot),

  • Coach Jaime


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